Satellites for humanity, Foursquare's last gasp & Brent Hieggelke of Urban Airship

This Week in Location Based Marketing (Video) | Mobile marketing | context marketing | smartphone marketing | SMS marketing | context-based marketing show

Summary: Welcome to episode #230. On the show: WatchQuest for your AppleWatch; Foursquare's PinPoint + Yahoo! rumours; Pay with your Jawbone if you have an American Express; John Moose gives away their music if you are in the woods; Planet Labs' constellation of satellites for humanity closes $118M; BlowUp Media wraps buildings in temporary screens; Toronto Library maps poetry; RetailNext closes $125M; ByHours lets you rent rooms by the hour; Verifone Media's #HelloGeo campaign. Our special guest is Brent Hieggelke, Chief Mobile Evangelist at Urban Airship. Full show notes can be found here.