Comedy Podcast | The Comedy Cast, An Introduction

Atletico Spudland show

Summary: <p>Hello and welcome to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Comedy Cast</a> podcast.</p> <p>This is a wee podcast introducing what The Comedy Cast is going to be all about; interviewing some of the best up-and-coming stand-up comedians from all around the world as well as comedy authors.</p> <p>My name is Spud Murphy and I’ve decided to bring you this podcast because I wanted to shine a light on all the comedian working hard in the world of comedy to make punters laugh and forget the outside world for a few minutes every time they gig.</p> <h3>Best Comedy Podcasts</h3> <p>I’m a massive comedy fan, but I’m also a massive fan of ‘the new’ as I call it. I realise putting that into brackets is pretentious and I’m certainly not pretentious, but what I mean is that I’m the kind of person that would rather see 10 new comedians once than see the same mega-famous comedian 10 times. There’s so much comedy out there right now and I hope through this podcast I can bring more to the world.</p> <p>I’m not a stand-up comedian. I’ve never tried it and I probably never will, however, I did play in bands growing up so I know what it’s like to get up in front of people and entertain them; but first and foremost I’m a journalist and while I want to bring as much new comedy to people as possible; be it stand-up comedians or comedy writers/directors etc. I also want to give interviews that aren’t just fluff and licking the comedians’ asses.</p> <p>I hope you enjoy the podcast, if you like to subscribe here’s a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">post </a>about how to do that.</p> <h3>Funny Podcasts</h3> <h4><strong>Get in Touch</strong></h4> <p>Don’t be shy, get in touch with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">The Comedy Cast</a> or follow us on social media</p> <p>If you’d like to get in touch, email me here: spud(at)</p> <p>The Comedy Cast on Facebook: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a></p> <p>The Comedy Cast on Twitter: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a></p> <p>The Comedy Cast on YouTube: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a></p> <p>The Comedy Cast on Instagram: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a></p> <p>The Comedy Cast on Google+: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a></p> <p>G’luck</p> <p> </p>