Starting a Mindfulness Meditation Practice – 006

Nature is Sacred show

Summary: Today we are talking about Starting a Mindfulness Meditation Practice. This episode deals with what meditation is, what mindfulness is, and how to begin to develop it.<br> Spirituality, as I have defined it, means cultivating an expanding and deepening awareness of our connection with and interconnection with nature, both the inner nature of our mind and the outer nature of people, animals, plants, and the world. This mean that working with our awareness is of utmost importance.<br> Our awareness is shaped by how and what we pay attention to. The first skill we need to develop is our ability to pay attention. This is where mindfulness meditation comes in. Meditation is training the mind to be mindful, to be aware of what is happening as it happens.<br> Jon Kabat-Zinn tells us how to cultivate mindfulness: “by paying attention in a sustained and particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.”<br> The easiest way to begin is to learn to focus on your breath, either as it enters and exits the nose, or as the rising and falling of the abdomen. First, set a timer for 5 minute. I recommend the Insight Timer app. Second, sit comfortable, but sit straight. Third, close your eyes lightly. Fourth, but your hands on your lap. I use the Cosmic mudra for my hands. Fifth, take a deep breath – relax – you relax into mindfulness.<br> Sixth, carefully feel the in-breath and the out-breath – don’t control, just observe. Seventh, notice when your mind stops focusing on the breath – note “thinking, thinking.” Eighth, when you mind wanders, gently and lovingly bring your attention back to your breath. Ninth, repeat until the 5 minutes is up.<br> Take some time and consider what you have learned about your mind. Does it seem like a monkey jumping all around, or a butterfly fluttering from one thought to another? “I can’t meditate.” You are right.<br><br> Your mind is out of control – This is your first insight.<br> Most people think they can’t meditate because they are aiming for the wrong goal. The point of meditation is not to control your mind, or to clear your mind. You’re not trying to eliminate your thoughts, but notice them. The point is to observe your mind, to learn how it operates.<br> Get curious about your mind, not judgmental. Mediation is not a quick fix, but a marathon. Like muscle training, it takes time to develop your ability to pay attention. Be kind to yourself, you are learning a new skill.<br> Please Share the Podcast<br> <br> <a class="synved-social-button synved-social-button-share synved-social-size-48 synved-social-resolution-single synved-social-provider-facebook nolightbox" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Share on Facebook" href=";t=Starting%20a%20Mindfulness%20Meditation%20Practice%20%13%20006&amp;s=100&amp;;;p%5Btitle%5D=Starting%20a%20Mindfulness%20Meditation%20Practice%20%13%20006" style="font-size: 0px; width: 48px; height: 48px; margin: 0; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-right: 5px;"></a><a class="synved-social-button synved-social-button-share synved-social-size-48 synved-social-resolution-single synved-social-provider-twitter nolightbox" target="_blank" rel="nofollow" title="Share on Twitter" href=";text=Hey%2C%20check%20this%20podcast" style="font-size: 0px; width: 48px; height: 48px; margin: 0; margin-bottom: 5px; margin-right: 5px;"></a><a class="synved-social-button synved-social-button-share synve..."></a>