Podcast 101 Season's End

Celtic Fansite - LostBhoys podcast - Glasgow Celtic  show

Summary: Podcast 101 End of Season Fun Welcome to the last LostBhoys podcast of the season. We take a look back at the Cup final and the season in general, we wonder who will be staying and who will be going and of course have our last wee laugh at Rangers before the start of next season – sure no-one could resist that. We also have the answers to last week’s quiz, we have KK’s brilliant ‘Live” Cup final Report and just to wrap things up we play T or H for the last time. It’s been a blast, thanks to everyone who tuned in. Click below to play http://podcasts.footballfancast.com/lostbhoys/301186/im-right-podcast-100/ Download mp3 from below http://feeds.feedburner.com/Celtic_Lostbhoys_Podcast?format=xml or Subscribe through iTunes – below http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/celtic-fansite-lostbhoys-podcast/id356709463 Also available iCeltic, the Celtic iPhone App Oh, and don’t forget to go buy the Playing For the LostBhoys book 2, which will keep you going until the next podcast http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/playing-for-the-lostbhoys-2/15823455