A Strange Heart and a Nerve of Steel. Podcast 102

Celtic Fansite - LostBhoys podcast - Glasgow Celtic  show

Summary: I know, I know, we were supposed to be done, but you know what it’s like when you kick your feet up and breathe that big sigh of relief, there is always that thought of, “I knew I had something else to do”? Okay, okay I’m making excuses, I got stir crazy and needed my podcast fix, so when JB arrived at the door, what were we to do but get on the phone and call Jacky Meehan, the President of the NAFCSC for a wee chin wag about the season just ended, Conventions past and present and the future of the Federation among a hundred and one other things. Download mp3 from below http://feeds.feedburner.com/Celtic_Lostbhoys_Podcast?format=xml or Subscribe through iTunes – below http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/celtic-fansite-lostbhoys-podcast/id356709463 Also available iCeltic, the Celtic iPhone App Oh, and don’t forget to go buy the Playing For the LostBhoys book 2, which will keep you going until the next podcast http://www.lulu.com/product/paperback/playing-for-the-lostbhoys-2/158234 50% of the profits go to the Celtic Graves society