Menage a Trois - Podcast 106

Celtic Fansite - LostBhoys podcast - Glasgow Celtic  show

Summary: It’s the last Three Amigos for a few weeks as the lads get together for a wee natter about the Australian Tour – and ask what lessons the Club has learned from previous tours from a fan perspective. Jamie gets a right slagging about America getting humped in the Gold Cup and takes the huff before they get into the nitty-gritty about Fan Media, Channel 67, broadcasting costs, revenue streams and potential transfer targets. Listen right to the end to hear about two new games to be played on future podcasts that need your involvement. Download mp3 from below or Subscribe through iTunes – below Also available iCeltic, the Celtic iPhone App Playing For the LostBhoys book 2, still available, see below…… 50% of the profits go to the Celtic Graves Society