Waltzing Matilda " Celts in Oz, Podcast 107

Celtic Fansite - LostBhoys podcast - Glasgow Celtic  show

Summary: Podcast 107 This week we catch up with Paul Lygate from the Sydney City Celtic supporters club to talk about the Celtic “Mania” that seems to be currently sweeping Australia during the Bhoys tour Down Under. Paul talks about how the guys got Neil Lennon along to a Q&A session at their CSC and some of the problems that popped up during the event. We talk about the reception the team got at the airport, the Huddle around Sydney Opera house and the extent of the Security needed around our beloved manager. Download mp3 from below http://feeds.feedburner.com/Celtic_Lostbhoys_Podcast?format=xml or Subscribe through iTunes – below http://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/celtic-fansite-lostbhoys-podcast/id356709463 Also available iCeltic, the Celtic iPhone App