Live and Let Die - Podcast 131

Celtic Fansite - LostBhoys podcast - Glasgow Celtic  show

Summary: Podcast 131 When You Were Young And Your Heart Was An Open Book You Used To Say "Live And Let Live" (You Know You Did, You Know You Did, You Know You Did) But If This Ever Changing World In Which We're Livin' Makes You Give In And Cry Yip, the guest free podcast continues this week with a right old chuckle at you know who? Yes, Big Dan, oh aye and Rangers too. There’s new competitions (well kinda), stuff stolen from the HomeBhoys show that was really too good to be on HomeBhoys so we took it to make LostBhoys sound better (and let’s be honest we need all the help we can get), there are audio snippets, quizzes, match reports and everything – cheap at twice the price!!!! Go on, play it loud and and laugh at Rangers with us. Download mp3 from below or Subscribe through iTunes – below