Grace Church Teaching show

Summary: All of us, at one point, have found ourselves in the position of Philemon, the offended. We have been betrayed, left feeling vulnerable, abused, and taken advantage of. And yet, we have all also found ourselves in the shoes of the offender, Onesimus. We have sinned, unintentionally or intentionally wronging a friend. We have taken advantage and betrayed. As inevitable the need for forgiveness is, it no less difficult to accomplish. Whether seeking forgiveness, or seeking to forgive, we know the reality of forgiveness is much less black and white than most sermons make it out to be. Yet, a glimpse into the relationship of Philemon and Onesimus can give us insight into what it looks like to forgive and be forgiven. As Paul pleads with Philemon to forgive Onesimus for stealing his belongings, many of us can relate to the conflict between being willing to forgive, and desiring justice.