TechByter Worldwide 2016.06.26: TechSmith's SnagIt Receives a Major Update, Another Bunch of Goodies from Adobe, Short Circuits, and Spare Parts.

TechByter Worldwide (formerly Technology Corner) with Bill Blinn show

Summary: It's going to be more than 20 minutes this week. Lots to talk about. TechSmith's SnagIt, already the best screen capture program available, becomes even better. Updates to Adobe's Creative Cloud, large and small, make the suite of applications for creatives even more essential. In Short Circuits ... If you're not familiar with the Maxthon browser, which is a product of China, you probably will be soon enough. Why would anyone want a wireless disk drive? Let's check it out. In Spare Parts (only on the website): Most programs today can create PDF documents, but going the other way can be a problem. An on-line service plans to change that. Verizon plans to improve its location-based technology. I'll explain that in English. The Weather Company and IBM will soon make highly-localized forecasts possible. And the Malwarebytes blog reveals a malicious app that can use your smart phone.