TechByter Worldwide 2016.07.03: Who's There on Your Wi-Fi? Podcast Number 500, Short Circuits, and Spare Parts.

TechByter Worldwide (formerly Technology Corner) with Bill Blinn show

Summary: How secure is your Wi-Fi router? [An editing error resulted in my swapping the correct term (gigahertz) with an incorrect term (gigabit) on the podcast.] You're probably not running a completely open router, but there may be ways to improve it. The podcast is now 10 years old -- 500 episodes -- and TechByter (formerly Technology Corner) has been around for 30 years, so I can't help but look back a bit. In Short Circuits ... Windows 10's anniversary edition will be available on August second and if you want to get it without charge, you need to upgrade to Windows 10 no later than July 29th, but one person who didn't want Windows 10 has won a suit against Microsoft. Now you can stuff 4 terabytes of data onto pocket-size hard drives. In Spare Parts (only on the website): Virtual reality comes to health care as a pain management tool and some tips on how to avoid being the next victim of a data breach.