Grace Church Teaching show

Summary: We are all Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector. He was wealthy, well-known, and hated by society. Yet, he climbed a tree in hopes of catching a glimpse of Jesus. He saw the chasm that existed, one he had tried to fill with money; but, it is a chasm only a Savior can fill. While the Pharisees shook their heads at this disgrace, Jesus exchanged the life of the sinner for His sinless and perfect life. We, like Zacchaeus, are corrupted by the things of this world that promise to bring us salvation. We place our faith in money, skills, relationships, and our own deeds. But, salvation has come to our house. It has not come by us climbing our own righteous ladder to look down, but by receiving Jesus the way He comes to us. Jesus is still seeking and saving, transforming and building. We may be in the tree looking for something, but Jesus is passing by. And, He offers us the same salvation that He offered to Zacchaeus.