Black Agenda Radio - 6.27.16

Black Agenda Radio show

Summary: <br> <p><font size="4">This is Black Agenda Radio, the radio magazine that brings you news, <br> commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. Your hosts are <br> Glen Ford and Nellie Bailey, here they are with a weekly hour of African<br> American political thought and action.</font></p><br> <p><font size="4">– The Great Britain will <br> begin the process of leaving the European Union, after an historic <br> referendum, last week. Capitalists all over the planet are upset. We <br> spoke with Dr. Anthony Monteiro, the Duboisian scholar with the Black <br> Radical Organizing Committee, and asked: “Why are rich people on both <br> sides of the Atlantic so worried about BREXIT.</font></p><br> <p><font size="4">- In what looked <br> like well-organized political theater, 51 diplomats in the U.S. State <br> Department acted more like employees of the Pentagon, this month. They <br> sent an orchestrated message through the departments complaint channels,<br> calling on the U.S. to launch a bombing campaign against the government<br> of Syria. Meanwhile, U.S. war planes came to the defense of al Qaida <br> terrorists who are under attack by Russian air forces. Sara Flounders, <br> of UNAC, the United National Anti-War Coalition, says the State <br> Department letter-signers are risking war with Russia to save <br> U.S.-backed jihadists in Syria.</font></p><br> <p><font size="4"><strong>- </strong>The prosecution<br> against the cops involved in the killing of Freddie Gray, in Baltimore,<br> is batting zero. A judge last week acquitted a police officer of <br> depraved heart murder charges in Grays death. Carl Dix, of the Stop Mass<br> Incarceration Network, spoke to us outside the courtroom.</font></p><br> <p><font size="4">- <br> Bernie Sanders has conceded that he won’t be the Democratic presidential<br> candidate – and, lots of his supporters are in mourning. But Mumia Abu <br> Jamal, the nation’s best-known political prisoner, says activists must <br> look “Beyond Bernie.”</font></p><br> <p><font size="4"><strong>- </strong>Some temporary employment<br> agencies exclude Black job applicants. Instead, they send Latino <br> workers to fill jobs for their clients. Alva Ayala is an attorney for <br> the Workers Law Office, in Chicago. His firm has sued six temporary <br> employment agencies and many of their clients for refusing to hire <br> Blacks. Ayala says temp agencies do the employers’ dirty work, providing<br> companies with the most insecure and easily exploitable workers.</font></p><br> <p><font size="4">Visit the <a href=""></a>, where you’ll find a new and provocative issue, each Wednesday.</font></p>