Take a moment to stop and breathe

House of Destiny Audio Podcast show

Summary: TAKE A MOMENT TO STOP AND BREATHE; SPECIAL GUEST DENA MCCLURE After worship, a clip of Kim is shown from March 4, 2015 speaking about the light of the glory of the future. He speaks these famous words: “What are we looking for? Are we looking for the living in the present and the dead in the future? Or the dead in the present and the living in the future? Whatever is dead in this present moment could come to life for the future.” Kim encourages his audience to refuse to see this nation as ended, but we must lift our voice and breathe and speak life over America. Kim goes on to talk about breathing and has everyone just take a breath, then breathe deeply three times. He prays God would breathe His breath into each person and that we would receive of His Spirit. It is a beautiful moment. In a special segment with Dena McClure, she answers the question from a viewer about why prophetic words don’t seem to come to pass. Dena teaches that we must develop and do practical things to prepare ourselves for the fulfillment of our word. We should begin to plan and begin to step out into what God has spoken, even setting aside funds and formulating a plan. Of course we can’t make the word come to pass, but we can partner with God and do our part. What we should not do is get a prophetic word and then sit on it and do nothing for years, just waiting for it to happen. We need to be an active participant in it. Dena prays for the audience, especially that hope would be restored for their prophetic words and for a quickening on the words we’ve received.