The first ever Out-of-the-Box solution for Embedded Development and IP

Perfection in Software Protection, Licensing and Cybersecurity show

Summary: <p>The kit empowers vendors to translate technical know-how into software monetization strategies through the following tools:</p> <ul> <li>Wibu-Systems CodeMeter run-time for VxWorks</li> <li>Wibu-Systems CodeMeter AxProtector</li> <li>Wibu-Systems protection utilities integrated with Eclipse-based Wind River Workbench</li> <li>Wibu-Systems smart card–powered security CmDongles, namely CmStick/M, CmCard/µSD, and CmStick/C, coming respectively with a preloaded bootable Linux distribution along with the tools for PC developers, the image of VxWorks and the applications for the target board, and the license for additional features of the target board.During the event we discuss:</li> <li>The market need for security in connected intelligent devices behind this strategic partnership</li> <li>The industrial control systems response to the cyber emergency</li> <li>Top use cases that demonstrate vendor's top benefits: IP protection, tamper protection, and license management</li> <li>How hardware root of trust, embedded software IP protection, embedded software licenses, and flexible license management result in the complete prevention of jailbreak software, reverse engineering, and IP theft</li> <li>Ways developers can ensure safety across their network by preserving code integrity through code signature</li> </ul>