KnitWit 0: Introduction

Rantings of a Rabid Knitter show

Summary: originally post at at 3:50 pm on Monday, February 20, 2006 Hello, my name is Carry. I have been telling stories for many years. Many people have encouraged me to write them down but since I am dyslectic this is very difficult for me. When I found out about podcasting, I thought it would be a great way to get my stories out without having to write. Don’t expect a lot of writing from me. Please forgive any spelling or grammer errors. My stories mainly concern my passions: knitting, spinning, and fiber animals. Occasionally, I will add in general observations on life. I hope they amuse you and maybe make you think about the silliness in the world around us. I will very rarely be serious. My humor is very dry with a lot of irony. It is not the sort for clutching your sides with laughter. I hope to get a few chuckles. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Carry