BTWN Episode 145 || Leighton Flowers Schizophrenic Hermeneutic || Does True Love Require Choice

The BibleThumpingWingnut Network show

Summary: No Len, no problem! This week TIm takes to the mic himself to share his thoughts on Leighton Flowers of Soteriology 101. You may remember we addressed his claim about boasting in our last episode. This week Tim reads an article he wrote just days before that Facebook post and it's apparent that there is something fishy going on. An emailer contacted Pulpit and Penn regarding our guest appearance and questioned whether 'anyone' should have an online ministry. Tim addresses this important question as well. Tim shares a YouTube video that Len did about 2 years ago yet is still relevant today. The conversation was about the objection Calvinists may get from all stripes of non Calvinists which is this: True love requires choice. Often the non Calvinist will use this objection particularly against the position of Irresistible Grace. Len's recorded conversation with James (All4HisGloryAlone on YouTube) will help you address this common objection in a biblical way. So what did you think? Give us your feedback, email us at Buy a tee shirt:!product/prd1/4422107551/god-exists-he-has-spoken Check us out on the web: follow us on Twitter: Join the conversation on Facebook: Watch us on YouTube: Rate and Review us on iTunes: Support us financially: