The Aztec UFO Incident

ParaTruth Radio show

Summary: Check it out!! An all new episode!! “The Aztec UFO Incident” With special guests Scott and Suzanne Ramsey On this episode of ParaTruth Radio, Justin and Erik interview Scott and Suzanne Ramsey about their book, “The Aztec UFO Incident”. We discuss how they got started on researching this incident, how much evidence is there for this incident, does it connect to the Roswell incident, and our personal thoughts. Scott Ramsey, the foremost researcher into the Aztec incident, has worked on the story since 1987, discovering archives and pursuing interviews throughout the United States. As a specialist in magnetic fields and wire, he has worked for Fortune 500 companies, and currently is vice president of sales and marketing for Express Wire Services in Charlotte, North Carolina. Suzanne Ramsey's family lived in the Four Corners area, and Suzanne owned a small business there, pursuing media writing and hosting a radio show. She met and married Scott Ramsey after he appeared on her show to discuss his research. Suzanne has traveled extensively, interviewing and pursuing research in university and USAF archives. Join us for another amazing show!!