Mahooty & Bara: Pyramids, Lemuria and Earth's Ancient Past

Earth Ancients show

Summary: Special Edition In this special edition of Earth Ancients, we follow-up on New Living Expo presentations given by Zuni Elder, Clifford Mahooty and science writer and regular guest on Ancient Alien’s TV, Mike Bara. Who were the Zuni ancestors who lived on the mythical island in the Pacific Ocean known as Mu (Lemuria), 25,000+ years ago and why did they leave? Mahooty tells us that they were a different kind of human, who were aided by star people, traditions that are incorporated in today’s ceremonies, prayers and customs. Why are the monuments of Mars and the Moon vitally important to our understanding our past, and why is NASA refusing to tell us about their existence? Bara tell us about the strange connection between pyramids on Mars and those found in China. These are fun and informative interviews.