A Hopeful Promise for America

House of Destiny Audio Podcast show

Summary: A HOPEFUL PROMISE FOR AMERICA – REMEMBERING MEMORIAL DAY The broadcast begins with a stirring rendition of “God Bless America” and then goes into Kim’s song entitled “America, You Are the Salt of the Earth.” On Memorial Day weekend, the team is remembering prophetic words spoken over America and those who have fought to preserve her and keep our freedom. A clip is shown of Kim prophesying about America from August 29, 2015 where he declares the word of the Lord: “It is not time for the destruction of this nation. There will come a time where the wrath of God shall be poured out upon the nations of the earth but today I will bring recovery and restoration and once again America will sing My songs and pray My prayers and declare under God we stand, says the Lord.” He then prophesies about the melding of music from the Middle East and America and asks an audience member to blow his shofar. Arturo from KCC plays his trumpet in response and it is an awesome moment as they go back and forth. Charlie and Sharon Jordan share that they have decided to adopt a little girl they have named Jade from China and they are leaving to go pick her up. They share the story of how they arrived at their decision, one that developed over several years. Also, special guest Greg Wark from www.forceministries.com shares about his work and a book he is coming out with in the near future. He will have a special broadcast on KCC on Memorial Day, so please tune it to see it and remember what Memorial Day is really all about. Greg also shares some important insights from his book. He discusses how Jesus was on a mission, similar to a military mission. He finished His mission when hanging on the cross and said, “It is finished.” He’ll never come back to die for us again. His next mission is to come back, not as a lamb, but as a lion. We each have a mission, too. Greg ends the broadcast by praying that people would be determined to finish the mission they are commissioned to do on this earth.