Make Sure You Have Your Own Life Before You Become Someone's Wife

Life Coach Chat Channel show

Summary: Short shorts. Skin-tight shirts with more cleavage than coverage. Girls -- women -- pursuing men in an attempt to find a modern-day savior. But ladies, it is written, "A man who FINDS a wife, finds a good thing." This means you need to be so focused on living your own life, working on happiness from the inside out, that when Prince Charming does come riding up on his white horse you'll barely even notice he's there. He'll be attracted to your peace and your purpose, not your drama and distress. He will seek and FIND the REAL you...the you who knows the difference between Prince Charming and a knight in shining tin foil. Join us today as we discuss and share our own expierences and insights on what it means to be found as a good thing rather than being the one doing the searching for just any ol' boo thing. Kristin Michelle Young is a wife, mother student, teacher, speaker, coach and marriage ENTHUSIAST! She founded Living the Vows as a platform to promote the joys of marriage and to minimize the perils of divorce. Kristin and her husband, James, have been living the vows through a victorious marriage and are committed to guiding other couples into the greatness that marriage was meant to be. They are the proud parents of 5 beautiful children and 5 grandchildren. See what she has for you at Danica Trebel, The Fix This Kid Coach, knows first-hand the power of the spoken and unspoken word. It was through her own personal and professional experiences she was led to her passion of helpting to reinvent and restore families. She is an expert in helping people live their lives to the fullest through faith, communication and authenticity.