186: Mike Love on Music for Healing and Activism

Running On Om show

Summary: “The music is all coming through me, so maybe it’s not even something that I am creating at all. Maybe I am just being open to it coming through. Once I get done writing these songs, these are like the messages that I needed, and then I realized that the songs are starting to heal me and change me.”<br> <br> In this episode, Mike Love, musician, healer, and activist, discusses his musical background from being raised to a musical family on Oahu, Hawaii to developing his innovative musical style of Conscious Roots Rock Reggae. He explains how he is able to perform almost daily because of the healing power his music has on him and his listeners. Mike explores the revolutionary meaning behind his song “Permanent Holiday.” He recounts the story of becoming a vegan and how he uses his music in service of animal rights activism. Mike reflects on overcoming perfectionism and self doubt with compassion and humility. Lastly, Mike previews upcoming projects and shows in 2016. <br> <br> Podcast Sponsored by Thrive Market - Visit thrivemarket.com/partner/runningonom to get your free 30 day trial and 20% off your first order: Thrive Market is on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone. This online grocer offers all the non-GMO foods and healthy products you love at 25-50% below retail prices— shipped nationally to your door for free within 2 to 3 days!<br> <br> Generation UCAN Fitness Trial Pack Giveaway: learn more at generationucan.com/ucanroo and enter to win by:<br> 1. Subscribe to The Running On Om podcast on iTunes<br> 2. Leave a written review of the podcast on iTunes<br> 3. Email a screenshot of your review to runningonom@gmail.com. Giveaway ends on March 31st, 2016. If you have already written a review, you are still eligible to enter the giveaway by submitting a screenshot of your past review.<br> <br> How Can You Support The ROO Podcast?<br> 1. Tell Your Friends &amp; Share Online!<br> 2. Subscribe &amp; leave a review of the podcast on iTunes!