2 girls a guy and a TARDIS - Episode 13 - The Name of Awesome!

Doctor Who: Two girls, a guy and a TARDIS show

Summary: So, here it is! We discuss what we thought of the finale and the season overall! Nicole also tells us if Rory can sing! Enjoy it because We're taking a week of next week to let everything that we saw this year sink in. Thanks for all your support, listening and we hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did making it! -John, Nicole and Joanna Also, remember you don't have to listen on the website, you can grab the websites XML/RSS feed here <a href="http://nervousdogproductions.com/two-girls-a-guy-and-a-tardis?format=rss">http://nervousdogproductions.com/two-girls-a-guy-and-a-tardis?format=rss</a> or you can find us on the Zune marketplace, Stitcher radio or listen in any of the places listed below, in fact, we may be in places we don't know about! <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-two-girls-guy-tardis/id593253466?mt=2&amp;ign-mpt=uo%3D4">https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/doctor-who-two-girls-guy-tardis/id593253466?mt=2&amp;ign-mpt=uo%3D4</a> Podcast powered by Spreaker. Go to <a href="http://www.spreaker.com/create">www.spreaker.com/create</a>