Vicki Sandler

The Inspiration Show show

Summary: Today on The Inspiration Show, Natalie Ledwell speaks with energy expert, professional speaker and life coach, Vicki Sandler. Vicki joins Natalie to discuss the importance of becoming aware of your energy and how raising your vibration can transform your life for the better. During our chat, Vicki reveals that by the age of 35, 95% of our thoughts, beliefs and actions are memorized unconscious reactions, or in other words, habits; and when we learn how to change our energy, we can change our life. Vicki also shares her 3A’s process that stands for Awareness, Acknowledging your energy blocks and taking Action right now, which is designed to help people release their fears and live a life with passion and purpose. Plus, she unveils her #1 tip to overcome fear and shares an exercise to raise your vibration in only 90 seconds.