TechByter Worldwide 2016.02.21: An Attempt to Destroy RitLabs and The Bat, Short Circuits, and Spare Parts.

TechByter Worldwide (formerly Technology Corner) with Bill Blinn show

Summary: A story of criminal and political intrigue as attempts are made to destroy RitLabs, developer of the popular e-mail program, The Bat. In Short Circuits: I'll show you a picture of an amazing spam with a link that shouldn't be clicked by anyone, but probably will be. How to avoid having to enter a long and complex password whenever you log on to a Windows 10 system. The average age of hackers these days is 17. Is your teen among them? Apple says it will not comply with a court order. In Spare Parts (only on the website): Bluehost updates 2 million WordPress sites and then offers the update script to everyone, including competitors, warnings about malware called Red Sheriff, and a review of the 2016 Golden Mousetrap Awards.