TechByter Worldwide 2016.03.06: Arm Wrestling with Firefox, Short Circuits, and Spare Parts.

TechByter Worldwide (formerly Technology Corner) with Bill Blinn show

Summary: Firefox is a good browser that can be made even better with add-ons. I'll have information about some of the most popular ones. In Short Circuits: After you get add-ons installed in Firefox, you have to convince the browser to stop disabling them every time there's a new version of Firefox. It's been a busy week in the FBI versus Apple controversy with court rulings, comments by the defense secretary, and an admission that the FBI caused its own problem. In Spare Parts (only on the website): Corporate data is threatened not only by outsiders but also by employees, contractors, and business associates. Peach Fuzzer is designed to find flaws in automated systems before they hurt someone. Huawei and Leica say they will re-invent smart phone cameras. And Microsoft offers Xbox users a (virtual) $2 million Lamborghini.