TechByter Worldwide 2016.04.17: Windows 10: Heading for the Anniversary Edition; Google Drops "Free" Fiber in Kansas City; Short Circuits; and Spare Parts.

TechByter Worldwide (formerly Technology Corner) with Bill Blinn show

Summary: Microsoft is preparing for Windows 10's first anniversary by incorporating the Linux command line. Google may be dropping its "free" fiber in Kansas City, but its paid offerings go far beyond what traditional cable companies provide and for far less. In Short Circuits, Tips for protecting yourself from ransomware, Microsoft sues the feds in the ongoing battle over privacy versus security, and the BBC says that streaming audio can lead to the purchase of vinyl records. In Spare Parts, only on the website: Toshiba has a new processor that promises better video in your automobile, IBM is working with Box to provide on-line storage in Europe and Asia, and updates to StorageCraft's Image Manager to make backups more robust.