TechByter Worldwide 2016.06.12: Be Careful Out There! Website Security Looks Like an Impossible Dream, Short Circuits, and Spare Parts.

TechByter Worldwide (formerly Technology Corner) with Bill Blinn show

Summary: Don't fall victim to a doxer. Besides explaining what doxers are, I'll have some suggestions for avoiding the creeps. There's a very good chance that just about any website you visit has some security vulnerabilities. In Short Circuits ... Adobe released new Lightroom and Camera Raw versions this week. An article in the New York Times outlines the distressing reality of governments planning for cyber-warfare. Some of Mark Zuckerberg's accounts were hacked this week. Are you smarter than he is? In Spare Parts (only on the website): A utility that claims to be able to fix broken Microsoft Office files comes with a hefty price tag. Verizon sounds like it wants to buy Yahoo's internet assets. And Fujitsu offers some scanners that can store your files in the cloud without involving a computer.