Frame 24

Me1 vs Me2 Snooker with Richard Herring show

Summary: Frame 24 - Crime and Punishment. After last week's despicable outburst from a player who should perhaps know better the Me vs Me Snooker association president is here to hand down retribution. I hope the game can survive this period of turmoil, but that remains to be seen. But the game must go on and there is some scintillating action for you to enjoy right from the get go today. Commentator 2 had thought of something clever to say earlier in the week, but when he gets the chance to say it the whole thing totally slips his mind. Listen out for that. He covers quite well, but it's still disappointment. Hopefully we can get back to what makes this podcast great, one man playing himself at snooker while commentating on it himself and forget all the extraneous issues of love, sexuality and of course race. There's some awesome snooker playing going on here. I hope Stefanie in America who doesn't know what snooker is enjoys it especially.