Frame 55

Me1 vs Me2 Snooker with Richard Herring show

Summary: Frame 55 - A Change is as Good as a Rest (no pun intended). Will normality ever be restored in the [insert recently deceased person or animal here] arena? It's hard to know, because what was normal down here was never all that normal. Maybe if they dig a bit further into madness the whole thing will come out sane. Me1 is awaiting the birth of his baby - will that focus his efforts or distract him? Can the podcast survive with a baby in the house? Will the baby ensure the long-term survival of the sport and ensure it is still being played in the 22nd Century? What happens when a horse thinks it's a lamb? These and an infinite number of other questions are really not answered during the frame. Who would have thought it would have lasted this long? Not Commentator 2.