Why Microsoft Is Wrong To Push Users To Windows 10

The LockerGnome Daily Report (TLDR) show

Summary: TLDR: Apple Announcement 2016 Coverage https://www.patreon.com/posts/10am-pacific-all-4865643 https://youtu.be/RyXwKIB-5M8 Why I Shaved My Beard http://chris.pirillo.com/why-i-shaved-my-beard/ Pirillo Picks: Smuggler’s Bounty Unboxing - Cantina Box Edition https://youtu.be/n6gGKseeq1U 3 Reasons Why Microsoft is Right to Push Users to Windows 10 https://soundcloud.com/chris-pirillo/why-microsoft-is-right-to-push-users-to-windows-10 // ~~~ Random Value That I Find Interesting ~~~ \\ Today's Geeky Deal: 88% Off The Ultimate Python Coding Bundle https://deals.lockergnome.com/sales/the-ultimate-python-web-development-bundle Tomorrow’s Deal: Save 18% - Piper Raspberry Pi Computer Kit https://deals.lockergnome.com/sales/piper-kit Hard Pressed: How Many Basketballs To Break An iPhone | Maker Studios SPARK https://youtu.be/gRLbhumhbco 23 Days Left: The $1000 Apple Store Giveaway https://deals.lockergnome.com/giveaways/1000-to-the-apple-store // ~~~ The Latest Social Me(dia) Highlights ~~~ \\ Today's Let's Play: Banzai Baby’s Next Project! http://www.live.pirillo.com Today's Blast from the Past: Vlog 1022 - BRING YOUR DAUGHTER TO WORK DAY https://youtu.be/K2S3-iWrqa8 Today's Vlog: DAILY STAMP OF APPROVAL (Vlog 1428) https://youtu.be/jOR2I30qPKI Today's Tweet: Topps Star Wars Deal https://twitter.com/ChrisPirillo/status/712118091166183424 Today's Photo: Tauntaun Vs. Ton-Ton! https://www.instagram.com/p/BDQxToNI_69/ Facebook: Why Microsoft is Right to Push Users to Windows 10 https://www.facebook.com/chrispirillo/videos/vb.680581396/10153933547261397/ Find Me (LockerGnome) On Snapchat! https://www.snapchat.com/add/lockergnome Do you want to earn free gift cards on iOS & Android like I do? http://go.tagjag.com/freepoints http://go.tagjag.com/freeapps \\ ~~~ Scroll Back to Click the Links Again ~~~ // LockerGnome, 1420 NW Gilman Blvd #2543, Issaquah, WA 98027, USA