159 – Sex on the Roller Coaster

ONE Extraordinary Marriage Show | Sex. Love. Commitment. show

Summary: Hopefully you haven't actually had sex on a roller coaster. That would be very difficult to say the least and a bit dangerous too. No, this roller coaster is the parenting kind. The one that you a part of each and every day of your life if you have little ones to adult children living with you.<br> <br> The stress of raising, disciplining, educating, and being active with your kids can put the breaks on your sexual intimacy. You're unable to let go of the daily activities to be present with your spouse, you continue to replay the argument from 3 days ago, and/or you feel guilty because you missed the soccer game.<br> <br> This week we share how the roller coaster ride of parenting has impacted our marriage and how we are able to still have the sexual intimacy we desire in our marriage. It's doesn't happen with a snap of your finger and yet with consistent baby steps forward you will have the emotional, spiritual, and sexual connection with your spouse.