Black Agenda Radio - 05.30.16

Black Agenda Radio show

Summary: <br> <p>Welcome to Black Agenda Radio, the radio magazine that brings you <br> news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen <br> Ford, with my co-host, Nellie Bailey and this is a weekly hour of <br> African American political thought and action.<br> <br></p><br> <p>- Green Party <br> presidential candidate Jill Stein took her cause to the annual Left <br> Forum conference, in New York City. Stein and her party still have to <br> contend with Democrats who claim third parties are spoilers that only <br> help the Republicans.</p><br> <p>- Black Agenda Report executive editor Glen <br> Ford appeared on the same panel with Dr. Stein. The event was titled <br> “Can Bernie Sanders Build Left and Black Power?” Ford said Sanders is a <br> Franklin Roosevelt New Deal-type politician who thinks the bankers are <br> necessary to society. So, Sanders doesn’t really want to hurt the <br> bankers too much. Most importantly, said Ford, Sanders is a Democrat.</p><br> <p>-<br> Charter school companies are now operating so-called “virtual schools” <br> that have no classrooms or buildings, but only exist on the Internet. <br> However, the charter operators are paid public money for each student, <br> just like conventional public schools. David Cohen is executive director<br> of the advocacy group, In The Public Interest. He says an outfit called<br> California Virtual Academies graduates less than half of its students, <br> and is accused of inflating its online attendance to collect thousands <br> of dollars from the state. According to the San Jose Mercury newspaper, <br> the Virtual Academies count students as “present” if they log on for as <br> little as one minute during the school day. David Cohen says the online <br> charter is run by a for-profit company called K-12 Inc.</p><br> <p><strong>- </strong>Most<br> people think that the developing world is short of money, and that cash<br> flows from the rich countries of Western Europe and the United States. <br> But the opposite is true. According to James Henry, an expert on global <br> banking, the rich countries are extracting fantastic amounts of cash <br> from the developing world, including from Russia and China. Henry says <br> the flow of money to the rich countries amounts to about $12 trillion a <br> year.</p>Be sure to visit us at <a href=""></a>,<br> where you’ll find a new and provocative issue, each Wednesday. It’s the<br> place for news, commentary and analysis, from the Black Left.