Jeremy Runnells' Kangaroo Court/Resignation

Mormon Truth Interviews!! show

Summary: This is audio of Jeremy Runnells' court of hate, or Kangaroo court, in American Fork, Utah, on April 17, 2016, where he resigned before his Stake President, Mark Ivins and his 14 goons could excommunicate him. In other words, he took back and took away their power and excommunicated the church, as Jeremy said in his own words, after the court. He handled it perfectly. Aaron, Jeremy's ASL interpreter, was ejected from church hearing for Jeremy Runnells. Also, as stated in Aaron's video "Despite federal law which mandates people receive equal accommodations in all facilities, and despite the fact most meetinghouses and temples of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints makes its facilities open to those with wheelchairs and other disabilities, stake president Mark Ivins denied Jeremy Runnells' request to have an American Sign Language interpreter be present alongside him." Should we really be surprised? Mormon Inc. is a church of hate, stating that Apostates and gay couples are now worse than attempted murderers, rapists, sex abusers and spouse sickening! That should be all that anyone needs to know about the Mormon/LDS church/cult! The hate just keeps on rolling at Mormon Inc! Who will they target & punish next? Jeremy is very well known for his "CES Letter", that has helped countless 10s of thousands or more. It can be found at CESLETTER.COM. Thank you for your amazing courage & strength Jeremy!