College and Grad School Admissions

Express Yourself! show

Summary: Youngjoo Ahn and Caie Kelley interview Dr. Don Martin to get a first person glimpse of the admission process to college and grad school and his take on going to community colleges. Road Map for Graduate Study: A Guide for Prospective Graduate Students, by Dr. Donald C. Martin, is the first comprehensive book about graduate school. A career insider, Dr. Martin takes readers from A to Z with respect to the Graduate School experience. He starts with doing research on graduate programs/institutions, then covers the application process, and ends with how to succeed once enrolled. A must read for anyone thinking about earning a masters or doctoral degree. This fall, Idealist is bringing hundreds of graduate schools to 17 cities across the country. If you’ve been thinking of applying, this is a great opportunity to meet in person with admissions staff from a variety of programs.