#108: Michael and David Attempt to Rewind 2015

TearDownShow show

Summary: Michael and David look back and the biggest stories of 2015: Ashley Madison – The story that kept giving and giving. Amazon's IoT Strategy Year of the drone personal/commercial - Fireworks video. The Car Hack - Jeep Cherokee AI comes into its own: Alexa, Siri, acquisition binges, Innit Google's Reorg: Confusing but important Year that Internet programming hit mainstream. Unbelievably great programming on Netflix. Podcast industry maturity: related trend: Midroll acquired, Gimlet gest more money. The struggles of independent tech media (Gigaom, ReCode gets bought, ReadWrite, Pando) Rise of Uber and Lyft and death of taxi. Windows 10 - A free OS, and a hassle free upgrade. Terms we didn't use until 2015: Unicorn, Selfie Stick, and the poop emoticon. Awareness of online harassment of women in gaming. Anita Sarkeesian. Lack of diversity in Silicon Valley and being aggressive to change that. Ellen Pao and Kleiner Perkins. Late night changed and stop being so pointlessly vicious. Rise of investigative comedy (Daily Show and John Oliver) Death of Radio Shack. How can any retail brick and mortar tech outlet survive? Michael and David also offer up their favorite books, movies, TV shows and podcasts for 2015. Email us at teardownshow@gmail.com Connect with David Spark on Twitter at @dspark. His business is Spark Media Solutions. Connect with Michael Wolf on Twitter at @michaelwolf. His business is NextMarket Insights. Please send us your feedback. We want to hear from you and put your input in our show. Creative Commons photo courtesy of Ognian Mladenov.