What is the Real Truth About Tithing?

Beverly Fells Jones - Power21 Podcaster show

Summary: What is the truth about tithing?  It has taken me a little time to decide on this episodes topic.  When I went to service this morning the subject of tithing came up and it stayed with me.  When this happens it normally means that I have been given the topic to explore. I have learned that I follow the idea when presented in a certain way because when I ignore or stay away from it, it show up again and again until I say yes. Some people will like what I have been given to share and others will be challenged to research further.  Which one are you?<br><br>In this episode I will be discussing tithing from a different point of view.  Join me.  Call in and share your thoughts as I lead this discussion.<br><br>====================<br>My new book "Manifesting The Life You Want, Prime Directives for Abundant Living" is available on <a href="https://www.createspace.com" rel="noopener">https://www.createspace.com</a>/5518530  and Amazon at <a href="http://amzn.to/1CKxOb9" rel="noopener">http://amzn.to/1CKxOb9</a><br><br>What would your life be like if you identified and removed the self-sabotaging behaviors that hold you back? Receive a free 30minute "Breakthrough Strategy Session" to help you get clear on your life?  Click Here for your Breakthrough Strategy Session.<br><br>Suggestions or questions please send them to <a href="mailto:beverly@commandingyourlife.com">beverly@commandingyourlife.com</a><br><br>For classes and seminar dates go to <a href="http://meetup.commandingyourlife.com" rel="noopener">http://meetup.commandingyourlife.com</a><br><br><a href="http://commandingyourlife.com" rel="noopener">http://commandingyourlife.com</a> or visit <a href="http://silverfox.silvacourses.com" rel="noopener">http://silverfox.silvacourses.com</a><br><br>