Have you seen the movie "War Room?" Have You Created Your Own? Why Should You?

Beverly Fells Jones - Power21 Podcaster show

Summary: I went to see the movie "War Room" on Saturday night.  It brought to life many of the things that I talk about on this show.  In this movie an seemingly ideal family has lots of problems until the wife, Elizabeth Jordan meets a client in her real estate business.  Miss Clara challenges Elizabeth to establish a “war room” and a battle plan of prayer for her family.<br><br>Can prayer be your battle plan?  Can clearly asking for what you want while humbling yourself cause forces to come into play when all else is lost?  Call in to discuss having your own "War Room" and what it may do for your life.<br><br>====================<br>I have just released my new book "Manifesting The Life You Want, Prime Directives for Abundant Living."  Available on <a href="https://www.createspace.com" rel="noopener">https://www.createspace.com</a>/5518530  and Amazon at <a href="http://amzn.to/1CKxOb9" rel="noopener">http://amzn.to/1CKxOb9</a><br><br>What would your life be like if you identified and removed the self-sabotaging behaviors that hold you back? Receive a free 30minute "Breakthrough Strategy Session" to help you get clear on your life?  Click Here for your Breakthrough Strategy Session.<br><br>Suggestions or questions please send them to <a href="mailto:beverly@commandingyourlife.com">beverly@commandingyourlife.com</a><br><br>For classes and seminar dates go to <a href="http://meetup.commandingyourlife.com" rel="noopener">http://meetup.commandingyourlife.com</a><br><br><a href="http://commandingyourlife.com" rel="noopener">http://commandingyourlife.com</a> or visit <a href="http://silverfox.silvacourses.com" rel="noopener">http://silverfox.silvacourses.com</a><br><br>