The Commercial Suicide Songwriting Podcast show

Summary: Yes, yet another crazy-long delay in getting this episode out. We've actually had this one "in the can" for a month... just couldn't get it posted due to multiple issues including the loss of yet another laptop. Guess it's time to invest in a "good" one for once. Of course, we can't actually AFFORD a good one, so if any of our more "well-heeled" and/or particularly altruistic listeners wants to contribute either the funds to purchase a new laptop or has one to donate; please contact us ASAP! So onward to Episode 45 where the BIG LITTLE NEWS is that "Nashville" Steve Rempis has relocated into a "tiny" house and will be featured on the FYI Network television show, TINY HOUSE NATION sometime in May. If you've ever had a hankering to see Steve in action (and who hasn't?), be sure to tune in. Additionally, the episode will feature snippets of Steve's original songs; including two which were co-written by CSSP co-host RANY FINCHUM who also makes an appearance in the show. The episode will end with Steve performing his newly-written TINY HOUSE NATION THEME, which is actually being considered (fingers crossed) for use in future episodes and promotional spots for the show. MAILBOX MONEY for the CSSP host(s)? A genuine possibility!!! As well as all the "breaking news" (albeit over a month old) you'll hear: STEVE AND RANDY giving the mother of all shout-outs to our amazing listeners who contributed to the first-ever ALL Y'ALL episode in which our most enterprising fans took the helm of the STARSHIP CSSP and rocketed into podcast greatness RANDY taking us UNDER THE MICROSCOPE to discuss the thought-provoking Tim McGraw hit, LIVE LIKE YOU WERE DYING STEVE discussing the songwriting genius of RODNEY CROWELL in the LEGENDARY SONGWRITER SALUTE RANDY waxes both poetic and pathetic... er, PROPHETIC about having briefly "lost the faith" in his abilities in his RANDY'S READIN' WRITIN' and 'RYTHMATIC segment STEVE AND RANDY discussing the particulars and ramifications of a recent and highly-pulicized plagiarism case that could affect songwriters everywhere And of course all the good-natured banter and frivolity you've come to know and expect from Nashville's two most dysfunctional songwriter-podcasters! Enjoy!