Season 5 - Episode 4 - DEXTER Podcast from 2GuysTalking

The DEXTER Podcast from 2GuysTalking show

Summary: Just about everyone has been in a position that feels - impossible. Whether it's been trying to figure your way out of a financial hole, a relationship that you just don't know about or not really understanding your position in life, we all have rough days. Now imagine a day - a continuing series of days. that you've been locked against your will in an attic - someone's been taking hunting cutlery regularly to your back, surely provided you with memories you like to forget sooner rather than later and the stench - surely not going to wash off quick. We probe a case of Beauty and at least several beasts on this episode review of episode 4, "Beauty and the Beast" from the 5th season of Dexter, here on The 2GuysTalking Dexter Podcast.