Season 7 - Episode 12 - DEXTER Podcast from 2GuysTalking

The DEXTER Podcast from 2GuysTalking show

Summary: Y'know, If you're like me, you like a good swearword now and again. In the case of modern day television, DEXTER has always been able to stretch the bounds of appropriate, in particular in the character guise of one Deb Morgan, cavalier police Detective, Lt. Sister Extraordinaire, etc etc. Now, we're not sure how Showtime networks thought we as fans and in particular the review community were going to review an episode named "Surprise, MotherMotherF@#$%&!" - but guess what: We're doing it, MotherF@#$%&s! It's been 11 all-too-short episodes this season with a vast majority being outstanding, Character development galore. Dexter finds love. Completely engaging moments between brother and sister. A villain that we HATED to see to. Good God - when you lead with your sister, the one in charge of the homicide division inside of Miami Dade Metro, finding out that you're a serial killer inside of EPISODE ONE - where can you go from there? The answer is of course, A SURPRISE, MOTHER FMotherF@#$%&S! Strap in, get some drinks, and prepare for an in-depth discussion like no other about the finale of DEXTER's Season 7, episode 12 - Surprise, MotherF@#$%&!