November 14, 2015 – Hour 2

RMWorldTravel with Robert & Mary Carey and Rudy Maxa show

Summary: In Hour Two of this week's show: Shakespeare buff Dan Wilson of Hove, East Sussex, England, sees live productions of every Shakespeare play in one year. The Careys speak to Philippe Brown, founder of bespoke travel company <a href="" target="_blank">Brown + Hudson</a> about a new interpretation of upscale travel. Philippe Brown’s vision encourages travelers to think differently and ask “what do I want from my trip” first vs. “where do I want to go?” Photographer Gary Zuercher talks about his award-winning coffee-table book, The Glow of Paris, and how it bridges us – culturally, architecturally, and historically – to perhaps the world’s most artistically rich city. Pulitzer Prize winning journalist <a href="" target="_blank">James B. Steele</a> talks with Rudy about the outsourcing of heavy maintenance on American airlines and the lack of oversight.