Monday Night War: December 1995

Wrestlespective: A WWE / wrestling podcast show

Summary: Jason Mann and Josh Hachat are back recapping the December 1995 episodes of WWF Raw and WCW Nitro, plus In Your House 5 and Starrcade. Topics discussed include: the deliberative nature of the WCW Executive Committee, whether wrestlers of the 1990s had better fundamentals than today’s workers, the endless bickering between Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, Sting and Lex Luger, the baffling protection of Bob Backlund, the baffling lack of protection for Savage, the power of Hogan’s mustache, how Xanta Claus ruined Christmas, the greatness of Bret Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith, wondering where all these fine Japanese fellows came from, testing the limits of how many times Jason can say “spoiler alert” and four words that will change you life: “Tell Me A Lie.” And, as you might imagine, much more. Original airdate: 3/6/11