Vox Talk #84 - Script Development, the Apple Watch, Silence, Timing and Lunch & Learns

VOX Talk show

Summary: We've been busy at our keyboards, and we've got a new Solution Center to share with you. What's it all about? We'll give you a hint: It has something to do with scripts. In Tech Talk, Apple's been making all sorts of headlines lately, mostly for its new smartwatch. So what does all of this have to do with voice? More than you might think! Still on the Apple beat, did you notice what's missing from Apple's new watch? In Vox Box, we'll talk about something that voice pros don't often talk about: white space and dead air. Turns out the stuff we DON'T say might matter as much as the stuff we DO say. Hear this and more in this week's Vox Talk! Tweet us using the hashtag #voxtalk Be sure to comment here on the blog (or via the Vox Talk Facebook page) and stay subscribed. Download Podcast Episode 84 »