P.I.D. Radio 9/6/15: Freedom from Religion or Secular Sharia?

P.I.D. Radio show

Summary: WE TEND not to be alarmists when it comes to Christian persecution. We’ve had a pretty good run in the United States over the last couple centuries. But things have shifted in recent years and it’s getting ugly. Think what you will of Kim Davis (the Clerk of Rowan County, Kentucky, who has refused to comply with the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage and issue marriage permits to gay couples), some of the criticism she’s received is chilling—for example, equating her actions with sharia law. Lest we forget, the Islamic State marked the Supreme Court’s ruling by throwing four gay men off a rooftop and tweeted the pictures under the hashtag #lovewins. THAT is what sharia looks like. And frankly, some supporters of same-sex marriage are getting close to advocating sharia-type penalties for people who don’t share their worldview. Also: Blood Rave in Amsterdam; Cicada 3301; remembering Operation Blackjack; the “gospel” chorus that sang for Hillary; and living forever as a virtual social media profile. News! Sharon and Derek will be at Chuck Missler’s 10th annual Strategic Perspectives Conference! Featured speakers include Tom Horn, Gary Stearman, Joel Richardson, Bob Cornuke, Joseph Farah, and LTC Bob Maginnis. Details and registration at Koinonia Institute. Visit the P.I.D. Radio Facebook page. Find links to the articles we discuss at P.I.D. News, discuss the topics at the P.I.D. Radio Cafe, and make time to listen to some of the great Christian podcasters at the Revelations Radio Network.