Curious Times – Prophetic Minister Yvette Marie

      IntuiTalks Network Broadcasts

Summary: <p>Join us for 3 hours at 10 PM Eastern. The last hour of the show is open mic – feel free to join us.</p> <p>Yvette has operated in her prophetic gifting since a very young age, not quite sure of what she was experiencing, she fumbled her way through always just “knowing” things.</p> <p>In 2000 she met a woman by the name of Laura Lee, who soon became her first spiritual teacher and taught her to ALWAYS do things in the name of Jesus Christ and to ALWAYS do them in love. It wasn’t until 2009 that she came to know the full meaning of that lesson.</p> <p>Since 2009 Yvette has been an ordained minister, performing wedding officiant services and walks in the Office of a Prophet at Powerful Life Church.</p> <p>When not working on her prophetic ministry, you can find her hard at work in her bakery, creating divinely delicious treats.</p> <p>To connect with her:</p> <p>Contact the host of Curious Times: or</p>