Episode 7 – All Together Now

Arrested DevOps show

Summary: Angela Dugan of Polaris Solutions (http://www.polarissolutions.com/) and Todd Vernon, CEO & co-founder of VictorOps (http://victorops.com/), join the ADO crew to chat about the challenges of collaborating in a cross-functional team. How can tools help facilitate communication among developers, testers, and operations? What are some of the best practices to keep in mind? And, of course, there just might be some "horror stories" of communication gone horribly wrong. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDf2s44f7W0 Guests Check-Outs Angela * Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us * SockDreams - @SockDreams (http://twitter.com/SockDreams) and www.sockdreams.com (http://www.sockdreams.com) Todd * Best BBQ chicken receipt in the world on http://www.thepauperedchef.com/ (http://www.thepauperedchef.com/) : http://bit.ly/1chcmH (http://bit.ly/1chcmH)Q * Aberdeen report on DataCenter Downtime: How Much Does it Really Cost, free to download here: http://bit.ly/Mpd2E0 (http://bit.ly/Mpd2E0) Trevor Matt * Meez (http://github.com/paulczar/meez) - Setup tool for Chef authoring * Downtown Chicago Azure Meetup - Feb 27, 2013 (http://www.meetup.com/Downtown-Chicago-Azure-Meet-Up/events/160731772/)