BTWN Episode 57||Going back to Our Roots||A Tale of Two Atheists

The BibleThumpingWingnut Network show

Summary: As most know by now, BTWN got it’s start on YouTube; engaging atheists with the truth of God’s Word and the Power of the Gospel. This week the BTWN YouTube channel reached a milestone of 2000 subscribers. As is YouTube tradition, when a YouTube content creator hits a milestone like this, they have a Google Hangout on their channel and talk to people who have interacted with their content. After some discussion on our YouTube experience (and some technical difficulties) we open the room to the public, and a couple of our atheist friends join us as well as several Christian friends. What you are about to hear is a stark contrast in atheistic worldviews. The first atheist who joins us has been on several of our Google Hangouts, and he was also the first and only atheist guest we’ve had on the podcast. His name is Josh, YouTube username “The Realistic Nihilist.” Soak in the irony of his name as you hear one of the most slippery atheists engaging our Christian friend Matt Yester in one of the most frustrating engagements we’ve had to date on the podcast. Frustrating not because Josh has great arguments, but because he has NO argument, rather an ever moving target of fallacies, conflation and confusion. Listen to how Matt handles his arguments, and persevere, because what comes next is epic. Meet Mike, YouTube username “Philosophical Vlogs.” Mike is not just another content creator on YouTube, but he is also our personal friend. He is a deconverted Reformed Baptist who was a staunch Calvinist when he professed belief. What’s clear is the influence that Christianity still holds over Mike, as he goes on one of the most epic rants against the doctrine and religion of evolution, a rant so powerful that it is practically a sermon, and so offensive that many of the YouTube atheists who once embraced and loved him for his anti-Christian videos have anathematized him for daring to speak against their pet doctrine. Wanna support us, pray for us then go buy a tee shirt. Check us out on the web: follow us on Twitter: Join the conversation on Facebook: Watch us on YouTube: Rate and Review us on iTunes: Bumper Music From Gary Hoey’s “The Best Of Gary Hoey” Album