Intrapreneur – The Evolution of the Young Entrepreneur

Excellence Expected: Small Business Action - Define, Challenge & Conquer Your Biggest Issues! show

Summary: Traditional routes into business are starting to fade. In the next 10 years, millennials will make up 75% of the workforce. What can millennials do to make themselves more employable in tomorrow’s business? They are going to play an important role in business!<br> How do companies engage them and get them excited to work so they stay at a company? Businesses now want intrapreneurs – entrepreneurs within a company.<br> Many millennials don’t know what they want to do, but they know they want to do something fulfilling. They want more than just a job. Millennials want to achieve greatness. They are bold and ballsy. They are not satisfied with just being successful. They want something more.<br> However, they need to build a plan that is going to take them there!<br> About Peter:<br> Peter works with young professionals and entrepreneurs to create plans of action to achieve greatness.<br> Challenged Issue:<br> In this podcast, we challenge the issue of how millennials can understand where they fit in and what they can do in the world of business.<br> Peter’s Actionable Tips:<br> <br> * Understand your value-add. Whose need does it meet? They are exchanging their time for dollars, and that does not work for millennials. Make sure your value-add meets a company’s needs.<br> * Become an intrapreneur. Manage your brand and focus on the parts of your business: P = performance; A = accessible; R = reliability; T = testimonials; and S = scalability.<br> * Uncover your purpose and passions, and then align them with your profession. This is the way to find fulfillment. <br> <br> Top Quotes:<br> <br> * “This generation is the generation that’s now starting to become the leaders in business.”<br> * “The world, frankly, is your oyster.”<br> * “I had this vision that we, as human beings, are going to need to evolve pretty soon.”<br> * “People want to achieve a little past success.”<br> * “Technology is simply an enabler for passion.”<br> * “We’re a generation that grew up with technology.”<br> * “Life looks very different in our eyes than it does in yours.”<br> * “That’s what the millennials are about – there are just no boundaries.”<br> * “You have to manage your brand as a professional business.”<br> * “Technology has become so infused in our culture. Become an intrapreneur – focus on your personal brand. You are now in business.”<br> * “What lights your heart on fire?”<br> <br> Guest Links:<br> <br> * Powered Life (<a href=""></a>)<br> * Peter Yobo International (<a href=""></a>)<br> * Facebook (<a href=""></a>)<br> * Twitter (<a href=""></a>)<br> <br> Resources:<br> <br> * Ryan Jenkins (<a href=""></a>)<br> * University of Southern California (<a href=""></a>)<br> * WordPress (<a href=""></a>)<br> * Alan Arlt (<a href=""></a>)<br> * LinkedIn (<a href=""></a>)<br> * Daniel J. Lewis (<a href=""></a>)<br> * John Lee Dumas (<a href=""></a>)<br> * The Essential 14–Day Guide to Cutting Your Working Hours and Increasing Your Impact (<a href=""></a>)<br> <br> Key Timestamps:<br> <br> * 0:28 Podcast topic<br> * 1:15 Introduction of guest<br> * 2:55 Millennial generation<br>