I Doubt It #127 – “Food Expiration, Michael LaCour, The Duggar Family, Dollemocracy ’16 feat. Rick Santorum and George Pataki, Barack Obama and Rand Paul on Patriot Act, Fox News Bad For GOP, Bernie Sanders, Vatican on Ireland Vote, GTMO Prisoners’ Releas

I Doubt It Podcast show

Summary: Jesse and Brittany discuss Jesse's sickness (likely) due to consumption of gross expired foods, Michael LaCour's fraudulent fiasco, the Duggar family fiasco, Rick Santorum and George Pataki announcing their presidential bids, Obama's defense of and Rand Paul's rejection of the Patriot Act renewal, Bruce Bartlett on Fox News hurting the GOP, Bernie Sanders likely doesn't have the chance you think he does, Ireland voted yes and displeased Catholics, Bowe Bergdahl swap causes problems, ISIS thinks Michelle Obama is worth $40, and Al-Qaeda job application. Sound off with a text or voicemail of fewer than three minutes at (657) 464-7609. Show Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IDoubtItwithDollemore Show Twitter- http://www.twitter.com/IDoubtItPodcast Jesse - http://www.twitter.com/dollemore Brittany - http://www.twitter.com/brittanyepage